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Design Studio 36.5

Kang soongu

Born in Pusan

Lives & works in Seoul, Korea


Design Studio 36.5 is a studio that does creative work throughout design based on product design. 

The design concept of 36.5 degrees pursues an emotional design that puts warm warmth into cold and cool products.

Based on user-centered design thinking based on user experience, we are working on giving meaning to the intrinsic value of design.  Based on aesthetic value, we pursue designs that contain messages and stories that contain the meaning of intrinsic value.


From 2001 to 2012,

Product design company and mid-sized company design team leader


2012, CEO of Design Studio 36.5


Product design and packaging design consulting 


Samsung Electronics : Home Phone 900MHz Telephone (SP-R9700/SP-R9800/SP-B760)

LG Electronics: Home Phone 900MHz Telephone (GS-486/GS-487C/GS-477/GS-9600/GS-9610/GS-488C/GT-7168 DECT/ GT-8500/ GT-8121)

KT : Home wireless phone Ann phone (GT-9630/GT-9183/GT-9184/GT-8600)

SK Teletech : Fold Type Dual LCD Mobile Phone(IM-5300 /IM-6200), Sliding Type Mobile Concept PhoneSewon Telecom : Fold Type Dual LCD Mobile Phone

KBT Mobile : Fold Type Dual LCD Mobile Phone (K-810/K-820/K-883/K-887/K-895Plus/K-895M)

Blue Bird soft : Smartphone PDA&Smart phone (KOSNY/PIDION)

Nova Electronics : Navigation PMP&Navigation


Health-one : home electric treadmill

                      (HERA-7000/HERA-7000 XT)

Think-Ware: Navigation: Concept Navigation (WIDE)

WINIX : Air Purifier (QUSH) / Dehumidifier (QUSH) / Bidet

JATI Electronics: DMB & DVD Player (POTY)

Serotech : Hard Case (Cutie EX) / CD-RW Case (MY BOX)

Sun&one : U-board (Idea computer auxiliary product)

Chungho Comnet: Concept ATM device, Cinus Tiket Kiosk, Comnet 7100XE export CD, Comnet 5000 export CD, CVS-ATM domestic ATM, Comnet 5100 export CD, CVS-ATM domestic ATM, new ATM, food volume-rate disposal system 

EXS: Canal type earphone design (Guppy), X-15 package design

SK : Canal type earphone design ( W ), W package design

Sound balance: canal type earphone design ( Seed ), Seed package design

Joynex: Bughunt Package Design (Youth Entrepreneurship Academy Linked Support Project)

Daewon Fortis: horseback riding exercise equipment design (SBA Hi Seoul brand design support project), home use small horseback riding exercise equipment design.

Asterisk Scrubber: Tristar Scrubber, dishcloth, shower towel package design.

CS Global: CPL sonic vibration pore cleanser beauty device design.

Ive Deer : Camera Hot Shoe Cover Design .

Mediplus: Loupe product design (Seoul Design Frontier Design Support Project)


Design creative activities and exhibitions


1997, Pusan Industrial Design Award - Bronze

2002,2004,2005,2007 Good Design Award - Selected

2006, Venture Design Award - Gold Award

2007, Gangnam Landscape Trash Design Award - Bronze

2008, Zero Sum  Design Award - Bronze  

2008, Bone's Family - Seoul & London Young Designers

           Pavilion Exhibition

2009, U Board - Tokyo International Stationery Exhibition  exhibition

2009, World Design Market - Week to the designer selection exhibition

2011, Smartman, Tissue House – Boutique Monaco Life Design Exhibition

2011, Design Dive - Participated in eye mouse service design

2012, Smartman, Tissue House - Seoul Promotional Design Exhibition

2012, Nail, Briquet - Design Culture Mazazine "gcolon"

2012, Garosugil Flea Market

2012,  Smartman, Tissue House, Banishu - Seoul Design Festival participation exhibition

2013, Formation of Design for the World - Community Revitalization Design Cooperative Activities

2013, SK Planet Tmap Cradle Contest – Grand Prize

2013, Arctic Tears - Entered DDP Designer Gallery

2014, Participated in SK Creator Planet 2014 – Idea Award

2014, 'Thinking of the Earth' Joint Exhibition (Space Um Gallery)



Reinforcement of design capability


2011, Completion of design planning, practical training - Korea Institute of Design Promotion

2011, Completion of service design methodology education - Korea Institute of Design Promotion

2012, Completion of Service Convergence Design Workshop - Seoul Design Foundation

2012, Design Entrepreneurship School 3rd - Seoul Design Foundation


Small and Medium Business Design Consulting Support Project


2012, Collaboration with Idea Museum - Development of varnish

2012, Hi Seoul Brand Design Support Project (SBA) - Selected as a host company

2012, Youth Academy Linked Support Project (Small and Medium Business Administration) - Selected as a host company

2013, Seoul Design Frontier Business Development Project (KIDP) – Selected as a host company

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